Miner restarts and empty earnings graph

يناير 15, 2021, 5:13 م

Hi there!

You may have experienced disconnects to the pool, rejected and unaccepted shares, and no earning on the «Balance» page in the last 24 hours.

👌 The behavior you are experiencing is the workaround we use to stabilize the Phoenix miner for you.

The pool is stable and saves every share to process and reward them after we stabilize all miners.

What is happening to the Phoenix miner?

  1. Phoenix miner bugs out and starts to generate thousands of invalid shares per minute. It can happen to anyone mining using the latest version of the Phoenix miner.

  2. When the miner bugs out, there is only damage: you don't make any profit (no valid shares), Kryptex pool get DoSed by the miner.

  3. Judging by the Phoenix response, he is not in a hurry to fix the bug in his miner. So we have to deal with it ourselves.

So we did! Our pool detects when your miner gets unstable and replies with fake responses for the submitted shares while actually saving them on the back-end. This forces your miner to restart and get back on track. It helps both you (you start to generate valid shares) and us (miner stops DoSing the pool).

As a side effect — you temporarily don't see the earnings on the graph, but they are saved on the pool and will be rewarded as usual, as soon as we stabilize most of the miners. The earning history graph will look as if nothing has happened at all.

We'll keep you updated! 👋
